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Mould prevention, heat insulation and humidity control system

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iQ-Therm 80 | Breathable Insulation

Breathable Interior Insulation


Capillary active polyurethane rigid foam panel for creating highly insulating, diffusion-capable interior insulation with capillary moisture transport

Weight / Size:


Approx. Coverage:


Product Info:

Remmers iQ-Therm combines capillarity, thermal insulation and regulation of humidity in one system. To realise these multi-functional requirements, holes in regular intervals perpendicular to the surface are made in highly thermal insulating, polyurethane foam panels. These holes are filled at the factory with a special, highly capillary-active, mineral material. The panels are attached to the surface of the interior wall with iQ Fix and a layer of render, iQ Top, is applied 1.0 cm thick as absorption layer.


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Breathable Insulation

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